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2007년 11월 18일

Comparing Memory Allocation Methods

This topic provides a brief comparison of the following memory allocation methods:

  • CoTaskMemAlloc
  • GlobalAlloc
  • HeapAlloc
  • LocalAlloc
  • malloc
  • new
  • VirtualAlloc

The following functions are equivalent: GlobalAlloc, LocalAlloc, and HeapAlloc with the handle returned by the GetProcessHeap function.

The VirtualAlloc function allows you to specify additional options for memory allocation. However, its allocations use a page granularity, so using VirtualAlloc can result in higher memory usage.

The malloc function has the disadvantage of being run-time dependent. The new operator has the disadvantage of being compiler dependent and language dependent.

The CoTaskMemAlloc function has the advantage of working well in either C, C++, or Visual Basic. It is also the only way to share memory in a COM-based application, since MIDL uses CoTaskMemAlloc and CoTaskMemFree to marshal memory.